Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Mauricie-et-du-Centre-du-Québec

Site: CMSSS du Haut-Saint-Maurice

Record #: CQE0733
Last Full Update: 22 Mar 2023

Organization Information

Alternate name Centre multiservices de santé et de services sociaux du Haut-Saint-Maurice ; CIUSSS - MCQ - CMSSS Haut-Saint-Maurice ; CIUSSS Mauricie et du Centre-du-Québec - CMSSS Haut-Saint-Maurice ; CIUSSSMCQ - CMSSS Haut-St-Maurice

Description and Services

Description More information available in the French version

Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website, Location

Address 885 boulevard Ducharme 
La Tuque, QC G9X 3C1
Office phone 819-523-4581
Website ciusssmcq.ca

Additional Information

Accessibility Fully accessible
Languages French ; English ; Interpretive services - anglais et atikameck
Areas served La Tuque
Fees Service


Categories Alcohol Use Disorder Counselling ; Childhood Immunization ; Community Health Centres ; Community Mental Health Agencies ; Early Childhood Family Centres ; Emergency Contraception ; Emergency Room Care ; Flu Vaccines ; General Acute Care Hospitals ; Home Health Care ; Immunizations ; Neonatal Care ; Personal Care ; Physician Referrals ; Postpartum Care ; Prenatal Care ; Public Health Nursing ; Pulmonary Rehabilitation ; Senior Housing Information and Referral ; Sexual Assault Treatment ; Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening ; Smoking/Vaping Cessation Support ; Travel Immunizations