Brigham. City Hall

Record #: CQE1589
Last Full Update: 18 Oct 2021

Organization Information

Alternate name Bibliothèque de Bromont ; Brigham. Hôtel de ville ; Brigham's Library

Description and Services

Description More informations available on the French version

Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website, Location

Address 118 avenue des Cèdres
Brigham, QC J2K 4K4
View Google Map
Office phone 450-263-5942 
Service incendie 450-534-4777 
Sûreté du Québec 450-266-1122
Crisis phone 9-1-1
Fax 450-263-8380
Social Media Facebook Facebook:
Twitter Twitter:

Contact Information

Primary executive Steve Neil, Mayor

Additional Information

Accessibility Not accessible
Languages French ; English
Areas served Brigham
Hours Lun-ven 8 h 30-16 h 30 
Bibliothèque lun, mer 18 h 30-20 h 30 * sam 9 h 30-11 h 30

In partnership with...

Centraide Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches
Ville de Québec
Ville de Lévis
Centre d'action bénévole Bellechasse - Lévis - Lotbinière