Centre de pédiatrie sociale de Brome-Missisquoi

Record #: CQE1591
Last Full Update: 14 Feb 2024

Organization Information

Alternate name Brome-Missisquoi - Centre de pédiatrie sociale en communauté (Main dans la main) ; Centre de pédiatrie sociale en communauté de Brome-Missisquoi (Main dans la main) ; CPS de Brome-Missisquoi (Main dans la main)

Description and Services

Description Support for children and families at risk or in vulnerable situations to ensure well-being and optimal development of children, while respecting their rights and interests 
* Assessment-orientation meeting with the multidisciplinary team: doctors, social worker, art therapist, nurses and more 
* Medical and psychosocial follow-up 
* Diagnosis of problems in children 
* Development of an action plan specific to each child 
* Intervention, workshops and activities with children and families 
* Accompanying parents to meetings at the hospital or at the CLSC 
* Support to families for the organization of children's leisure activities and access to the services offered: homework assistance, recreational, social or clinical activities, occupational therapy, speech therapy and others 
* Deployment of mentoring and modeling services 
Points of service of the monthly mobile clinic 
* Bedford 
* Bromont 
* Farnham 
* Brome Lake 
* Sutton

Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website, Location

Address 215 rue du Sud, 3rd floor 
Cowansville, QC J2K 2X5
Office phone 450-260-1414
Fax 450-306-0241
E-mail reception@cpscmaindanslamain.org
Social Media Facebook: www.facebook.com/cpscmaindanslamain
Website cpscmaindanslamain.org

Contact Information

Primary executive Delphine Bahand-Morin, Clinic director

Additional Information

Accessibility Fully accessible
Languages French ; English
Areas served Brome-Missisquoi (MRC)
Eligibility Ages: 17 year(s) and under 
Children from vulnerable backgrounds
Fees Free
Hours Mon-Thu 8:30 am-4:30 pm


Categories Child Guidance ; Children's Rights Groups ; Early Childhood Family Centres ; Escort Programs ~ Children ; Family Support Centres/Outreach ; Pediatric Evaluation