Centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel (CALACS) des Rivières Haute-Yamaska Brome-Missisquoi

Record #: GBY0039
Last Modified: 19 Jun 2023
Last Full Update: 07 Dec 2021

Organization Information

Alternate name C.A.L.A.C.S. ; CALACS des Rivières Haute-Yamaska Brome-Missisquoi ; CALACS Granby

Description and Services

Description Organization that provides help and support for women and teenagers in the fight against sexual assault and all other forms of sexual violence. 
* welcome, listen to and help women and teenagers who are victims of sexual assault (SA) or sexual exploitation  
* provide information on their rights (medical, legal and financial services)  
* raise awareness, inform and educate women, workers who are likely to be involved with SA victims, and the general public  
* train people who would like to be able to help SA victims and the people close to them 
* Representation at Issue Tables that aim to improve victim treatment programs and bringing about social change 
Events/activities: Journée d'action contre la violence sexuelle faite aux femmes (action day to oppose sexual violence against women), September (annual)

Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website, Location

Mailing address c/o Sophie Labrie 
CP 63 
Granby, QC J2G 8E2
Office phone 450-375-3338
Crisis phone 1-888-933-9007
Fax 450-375-0802
E-mail info@calacsdesrivieres.ca
Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calacs.desrivieres
Website www.calacs-granby.qc.ca

Contact Information

Primary executive Chantal Brassard, Coordonnatrice; Phone: 450-375-3338 ext 226; Email: chantalb@calacsdesrivieres.ca
Volunteer coordinator Chantal Brassard et Annie Blouin, Intervenante et agente de prévention; Email: gabriellec@calacsdesrivieres.ca

Additional Information

Accessibility Fully accessible ; Full accessibility to come
Languages French ; English - upon request ; Interpretive services
Areas served Brome-Missisquoi (MRC) ; Haute-Yamaska (MRC)
Eligibility Ages: 12 year(s) and up 
Women and teenagers who have been assaulted or sexually exploited * The people close to the victim * Advocates or persons who work with sexual assault victims
Application By appointment
Fees Free
Hours Mon-Fri 8:30 am-12 noon, 1 pm-4:30 pm


Categories Adult Sexual Assault Prevention ; Child Sexual Assault Prevention ; Crime Victim Accompaniment Services ~ Adult Sexual Assault Survivors ; Crime Victim Accompaniment Services ~ Sexually Abused Children ; Sexual Assault Counselling ; Sexual Assault Hotlines ; Specialized Information and Referral ~ Sexual Assault Issues