Crime Victims Assistance Center of Cree

Record #: MAN1256
Last Modified: 19 Jun 2023
Last Full Update: Unknown

Organization Information

Alternate name CAVAC des cris ; Centre d'aide aux victimes d'actes criminels des cris ; Cree CAVAC

Description and Services

Description Front-line services for victims and witnesses of crime, as well as their relatives  
Free and confidential services  
* Phone consultation  
* Post-traumatic and psychosocial intervention  
* Legal information: filing police complaint, follow-up of different steps of the court proceedings and decisions  
* Information on rights and remedies of the victim of a crime: judicial process, compensation  
* Technical assistance (IVAC form)  
* Referral to specialized services  
* Accompaniment  
Points of service (courthouse of Cree Nation Government) 
* Chisasibi, 461, Wolverine Road 
* Eastmain, 31, Mewaben Meskino Street

Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website, Location

Address & Map
301 Queen St
Mistissini, QC G0W 1C0
Office phone 418-923-2751 
Chisasibi 819-855-2139 
Call to make an appointment with a local support worker  
* Chisasibi for Northern coast communities (Chisasibi, Wemindji, Whapmagoostui) 
* Eastmain for Southern coast communities (Eastmain, Nemaska, Waskaganish) 
* Mistissini for inland communities (Oujé-Bougoumou, Mistissini, Waswanipi)
Toll free phone 1-855-603-6137 
Chisasibi 1-855-603-6136 * 1-888-929-3742 
Eastmain 1-855-603-6168
Social Media Facebook: 

Contact Information

Primary executive Donald Nicholls, Director

Additional Information

Accessibility Unknown
Languages French ; English
Areas served Eastmain ; Gouvernement régional d'Eeyou Istchee Baie-James ; Mistissini ; Nemaska ; Oujé-Bougoumou ; Waskaganish ; Waswanipi ; Wemindji ; Whapmagoostui
Eligibility Victims, relatives or witnesses of a crime
Application Call to make an appointment with a support worker
Fees Free
Hours Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm


Categories Crime Victim Accompaniment Services ; Crime Victim/Witness Counselling ; Crime Witness Support ; Critical Incident Stress Debriefing ; General Crime Victim Assistance ; Sexual Assault Counselling ; Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counselling