Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange

Record #: QBC2066
Last Full Update: 06 Jun 2023

Organization Information

Alternate name Canada's source for HIV and hepatitis C information ; CATIE ; La source canadienne de renseignements sur le VIH et l'hépatite C ; Réseau canadien d'info-traitements sida

Description and Services

Description CATIE strengthens Canada’s response to HIV and hepatitis C by bridging research and practice * Connect healthcare and community-based service providers with the latest science * Promote good practices for prevention and treatment programs

Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website, Location

Address 555 Richmond St W, suite 505
Toronto, ON M5V 3B1
View Google Map
Mailing address CP 1104 
555 Richmond St W, Suite 505 
Toronto, ON M5V 3B1
Office phone 416-203-7122
Toll free phone 1-800-263-1638
Fax 416-203-8284
Social Media Blogger Blogger:
Facebook Facebook:
Twitter Twitter:
YouTube YouTube:

Contact Information

Primary executive Jody Jollimore, Executive Director

Additional Information

Heading Web Physical Health
Accessibility Fully accessible
Languages French ; English
Areas served Canada
Eligibility People living with HIV or hepatitis C and their caregivers, health care providers and community organizations
Fees Free
Hours Mon-Thu 10 am-6 pm

In partnership with...

Centraide Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches
Ville de Québec
Ville de Lévis
Centre d'action bénévole Bellechasse - Lévis - Lotbinière