Cystic Fibrosis Canada

Record #: QBC3876
Last Full Update: 18 Apr 2023

Organization Information

Alternate name CFC ; Fibrose kystique Canada ; FKC

Description and Services

Description To help persons suffering from cystic fibrosis 
* Finance research toward its objective of curing or controlling cystic fibrosis and supports high quality care 
* Raise public awareness of the disease 
* Defend the rights and interests of persons suffering from cystic fibrosis with provincial, regional and local governments and any relevant body 
* Raise and distribute funds to these ends

Address, Telephone, E-mail, Website, Location

Address 2323 Younge St, Suite 800 
Toronto, ON M4P 2C9
Toll free phone 1-800-378-2233

Additional Information

Heading Web Physical Health
Accessibility Fully accessible
Public transport TTC 13 - 13A - 13B - 32 - 32A - 32C - 34A - 34C - 51 - 54A - 54B - 56 - 61 - 97B - 97F - 320 - 320A - 320S - 332 - 334 - 334S - 354 
Bike Share Toronto - 20 Bikes
Languages French ; English
Areas served Canada
Eligibility People afflected with Cystic Fibrosis and their relatives * general public
Fees Membership ; Donation


Categories Disease/Disability Information ~ Cystic Fibrosis ; Program Development Funds ~ Cystic Fibrosis