[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Vocational Education (25) ]
Technical/Trade Schools
Postsecondary educational institutions that offer training in specific technical occupations and skilled and semiskilled trades for individuals who have graduated from high school or the equivalent and have completed prerequisite postsecondary science and mathematics courses. Included are programs that prepare people for careers in areas as diverse as business, cosmetology, computer science, allied health occupations, auto mechanics, building trades and manufacturing.
Vocational English as a Second Language
Programs that provide courses for students whose first language is other than English that are designed to develop speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar skills while working with the vocabulary of business, tourism or health care. VESL classes are offered by job training agencies, skills centres and some adult education programs; and help participants improve their oral communication on the job, memo and letter writing skills, telephone skills, and their ability to read and understand trade manuals, parts manuals and job-related forms. Classes may focus on a particular industry or may be general providing a work-oriented vocabulary.
Special Education
Programs that provide educational services including special placement and individualized programming, instruction and/or support services for exceptional children, youth and/or adults, including those who have hearing impairments, visual impairments, physical disabilities, learning disabilities, developmental disabilities, emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities or speech or language impairments and who need appropriately modified curricula, teaching methodologies and instructional materials in order to learn. Services may include the development, in partnership with the child's parents, of an individualized educational plan to meet the child's needs and the implementation and review at least annually of each child's plan to determine progress and future needs.
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Employment Preparation
Programs that provide assistance for people who need information, guidance and/or training in specific job-related skills to make appropriate occupational choices and secure and retain positions that effectively utilize their abilities.
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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.