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[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Business Associations (1) ]

Tourist Information

Tourist bureaus, information centres and other community organizations that make available information about local points of interest, cultural events, recreational activities, hotels, restaurants, medical and dental services and other community resources.

[ View Programs and Services (6) | Related Topics ]

Business Registration/Licensing

Programs that register newly formed businesses according to the legal status under which they will operate (e.g., for-profit and nonprofit corporations, limited liability companies, general and limited partnerships, franchises and sole proprietorships) as well as record and reserve their legal name; register business opportunities; and/or issue licences or permits which provide written authorization for the operation of a business within a specific local jurisdiction.

[ View Programs and Services (2) | Related Topics ]

Business Development

Programs that provide technical assistance, financing and a wide variety of other services that support the attraction, expansion and retention of local businesses, assure their competitiveness and help them remain as assets to the local economy.

[ Sub-Topics | View Programs and Services (101) | Related Topics ]

The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

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