[ Browse by Service Category : Organizational/Community/International Services : Sub-Topics of Disaster Services (5) ]
Disaster Management Organizations
Public and private organizations that are responsible for the organized analysis, planning, decision making, assignment and coordination of available resources involved in the mitigation of, preparedness for, response to, and/or relief/recovery from a major disaster or large-scale emergency that disrupts the normal functioning of a community. These organizations have a formal role in developing overall emergency policy within their jurisdictions; establish coordination with other agencies active in disaster situations; develop action plans for emergency response; coordinate facilities, services, personnel, equipment and materials that are required before, during and immediately following an incident; and/or are involved in disaster relief and recovery activities.
Disaster Recovery Services
Programs that provide longer-term assistance for people who have suffered injuries or incurred losses due to a major disaster or large-scale emergency that disrupts the normal functioning of a community with the objective of facilitating the return of the community to its pre-disaster condition and/or rebuilding the community in a way that makes it less vulnerable in the future.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.