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[ Browse by Service Category : Information Services : Sub-Topics of Information Sources (149) ]

Government Information Services

Programs that provide information about government offices and services that interested individuals can access on a website or in person, or by telephone, email, chat, text or other communication channel. In some cases, assistance is available to help identify and locate an appropriate office.

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Legal Information Services

Programs that provide information about specific legal problems and procedures that interested individuals can access on a website or in person, or by telephone, email, chat, text or other communication channel. Information may be in a self-serve, browsable format (for example a web resource directory or library of audio recordings) or provided by live agents with expertise in the field. Also included are legal aid services, bar associations and other programs that provide basic information about family law, landlord/tenant law, immigration law, consumer law, elder law, patient rights, the rights of persons with disabilities, the criminal justice system, the civil court system and other legal topics via workshops, classes, speaking engagements, printed materials, video tutorials, websites and other similar educational avenues.

[ View Programs and Services (12) ]

Medical Information Services

Programs that provide information about specific health and health-related topics including diseases and conditions, birth control, alcohol and drug abuse, mental health, safety and other similar topics that interested individuals can access on a website or in person, or by telephone, email, chat, text or other communication channel. Information may be in a self-serve, browsable format (for example a web resource directory or library of audio recordings) or provided by live agents with expertise in the field. Also included are 811 or similar services that, in addition to answering medical questions, help callers determine if they are experiencing a medical emergency and need immediate treatment.

[ View Programs and Services (20) | Related Topics ]

Youth Issues Information Services

Programs that provide information about specific youth-related topics such as alcohol and drug abuse; child abuse; sexuality; sexually transmitted diseases; AIDS; birth control, pregnancy and choices; sexual assault; weight management; relationships; dealing with feelings; family concerns; dealing with rules; and school, career and life choices. Information may be accessed on a website or in person, or by telephone, email, chat, text or other communication channel. Information may be in a self-serve, browsable format (for example a web resource directory or library of audio recordings) or provided by live agents with expertise in the needs and interests of youth.

[ View Programs and Services (2) ]

The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

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