[ Browse by Service Category : Organizational/Community/International Services : Sub-Topics of Occupational/Professional Associations (74) ]

Arts Associations

Organizations whose members are individual professionals or agencies associated with the arts who have affiliated for the purpose of fostering knowledge about and appreciation of artistic expression within their particular field, establishing standards of excellence, recognizing outstanding contributions, promoting career development, and otherwise supporting the interests of members. Members may include individual professionals (e.g., artists, singers, instrumentalists, actors, dance professionals, mime artists, conductors); organizations representative of the visual or performing arts or other arts fields (e.g., dance or theatre troupes, symphony orchestras, art museums, choral groups), or dealers, collectors, producers, distributors, arts facility managers or others working in the arts field or who are patrons of the arts.

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Athletic Associations

Organizations that are responsible for regulating, coordinating and promoting athletic programs for children, youth and/or adults at the local, provincial, regional, national or international levels. The associations may focus on a particular sport (e.g., football, figure skating), may pertain to programs within particular types of institutions (e.g., high schools, colleges and universities), may focus on professional sports or may be structured to meet the needs of individual professionals associated with athletic programs (e.g., coaches, officials, sports writers).

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Business Associations

Organizations whose members are business people, either operating their own companies or employed in organizations, who have affiliated for the purpose of promoting the general commercial interests of the community or the interests of their own trade.

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Disability Associations

Organizations whose members are individuals who work in the disability field and have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests, participating in education and training conferences, interacting with other professionals and taking advantage of other opportunities for personal and professional development. Many disability associations also include individuals with disabilities and their families in their membership. Disability associations may also advocate for the rights of people with disabilities and their caregivers; promote legislation that funds research and services for this population; and provide information for members and the general public. Included are associations that focus on a specific disability such as autism or brain injuries; and those that address a broad range of disability issues.

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Legal Associations

Organizations whose members are lawyers, judges or other legal professionals who have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests, participating in legal seminars and conferences, networking with their peers, subscribing to legal journals and other publications, and taking advantage of other opportunities for professional development. Many legal associations offer assistance to members who have management or financial problems that relate to their practices, set standards which relate to the qualifications and performance of members, accept and investigate complaints from the public regarding the practices of members and maintain lawyer referral services through which citizens who require legal assistance are referred to member attorneys.

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Library Associations

Organizations whose members are librarians who have affiliated for the purpose of advancing their profession, promoting mutual interests, participating in library seminars and conferences, networking with their peers, subscribing to journals and other publications, and taking advantage of other opportunities for continuing professional development.

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Medical Associations

Organizations whose members are doctors, dentists, nurses, chiropractors or other medical professionals who have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests and participating in medical seminars and conferences, subscribing to medical journals and taking advantage of other opportunities for professional development. Many medical associations set standards which relate to the qualifications and performance of members, accept and investigate complaints from the public regarding the practices of members and maintain referral services through which residents who require medical assistance are referred to members.

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Mental Health Practitioner Associations

Organizations whose members are hypnotists, therapists or other mental health professionals who have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests, participating in mental health seminars and conferences, networking with their peers, subscribing to mental health journals and other publications, and taking advantage of other opportunities for continuing professional development. Many mental health associations set standards which relate to the qualifications and performance of members, may accept and investigate complaints from the public regarding the practices of members, may assist members who are having difficulty with their employers, may maintain referral services through which residents who require counselling are referred to members, and may act as advocates for the recipients of their services and for desired social change.

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Nonprofit/Philanthropic Associations

Organizations whose members are foundations, nonprofit organizations or individuals who have affiliated for the purpose of increasing public awareness and understanding of corporate and charitable giving and the role it plays in society and promoting the practice of charitable giving and voluntarism on the part of individuals and organizations. Also included are organizations that study the general role of philanthropy in society and seek to promote the practice of charitable giving and voluntarism on the part of individuals and organizations.

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Veterinary Associations

Organizations whose members are veterinary care providers who have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests, participating in veterinary seminars and conferences, networking with their peers, subscribing to veterinary journals and other publications, and taking advantage of other opportunities for professional development. Many veterinary associations set standards which relate to the qualifications and performance of members, accept and investigate complaints from the public regarding the practices of members and maintain referral services through which residents who require veterinary assistance are referred to members. Included are associations of animal hospitals and specialized veterinarian associations whose members treat a particular species of animal or animal-related disease.

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Volunteer Administration Associations

Organizations whose members are volunteer centres or individuals working in the field of volunteer resources management who have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests, participating in professional conferences, subscribing to journals and taking advantage of other opportunities for continuing professional development. Some volunteer management associations develop standards for the field, offer credentialing programs, develop and disseminate publications, support research, share statistics, provide opportunities for networking, maintain a job bank and offer other resources that advance volunteering in communities, strengthen the profession and help members become more effective in their roles and relationships.

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

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Ville de Québec
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Centre d'action bénévole Bellechasse - Lévis - Lotbinière