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[ Browse by Service Category : Occupations : Sub-Topics of Agricultural/Forestry and Related Occupations (3) ]

Specialized Farming Occupations

Individuals who operate farms, ranches, greenhouses, nurseries or other agricultural establishments which specialize in the production of particular types of crops, horticultural specialties, livestock, poultry, finfish, shellfish or other animal species.

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Animal Breeders

Individuals who breed animals including cattle, goats, horses, sheep, swine, poultry, dogs, cats, mice, monkeys or pet bird with the objective of improving the strain and developing show stock; or producing animals to be sold as pets or to hospitals, research centres or food processing plants. Knowledge of artificial insemination techniques and equipment use may be required. Tasks may include keeping records on heats, birth intervals or pedigrees; exhibiting prize animals at shows; or making sales arrangements.

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Commercial Fishermen

Individuals who catch and trap various types of marine life for human consumption, animal feed, bait or other purposes using nets, fishing rods, traps or other fishing gear. Included are individual fishermen and fishing vessel operators and their crews.

[ View Programs and Services (1) ]

The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

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