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[ Browse by Service Category : Abused Adults : Sub-Topics of Sexually Abused Adults (5) ]

Adult Sexual Assault Survivors

Adults who, as adults or children, have survived an actual or attempted act of rape, forced oral copulation, sodomy or other sexual assault or abuse which was perpetrated by an individual other than their spouse or, in the case of a child, by an individual other than a parent or other extended family member whom the child trusted.

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Adult Incest Survivors

Adults who, as children, were subjected to sexual abuse or exploitation by a parent, guardian or other family or extended family member whom the child trusted, and who are dealing with the traumatic effects of the experience in their adult lives. Sexual abuse includes any form of sexual activity imposed upon a child, regardless of the child's cooperation, from lewd remarks or voyeurism to fondling, oral copulation, sodomy or rape.

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

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