Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description Office phone E-mail Website Eligibility
Héma-Québec, Bureau de Québec3-2- Cité-Universitaire (Quartier) Supply hospitals with blood products * performs the management of donor recruitment, blood collection and the quality of blood products and their distribution to the hospitals * works with the Canadia ... Administration and appointement for a donation of plasma and platelets 418-780-4362 (418-780-HEMA) ext 2275 
Appointment for a donation of blood 418-780-7264 (418-780-SANG) Ages: 18 year(s) and up
Leucan, Région de Québec3-3- Saint-Louis (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-654-2136 Ages: 18 year(s) and under