Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description Office phone E-mail Website Eligibility
Centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel (CALACS) des Rivières Haute-Yamaska Brome-MissisquoiGranby Organization that provides help and support for women and teenagers in the fight against sexual assault and all other forms of sexual violence. DIRECT HELP COMPONENT: * welcome, listen to and help wom ... 450-375-3338 Ages: 12 year(s) and up 
Women and teenagers who have been assaulted or sexually exploited * The people close to the victim * Advocates or persons who work with sexual assault victims
Emphase - Entraide Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec pour hommes agressés sexuellement dans l'enfanceTrois-Rivières-Ouest (Secteur) Help and support the improvement of the personal and social well-being of men and adolescents who have suffered acts of a sexual nature during childhood or adolescence * support for relatives * demyst ... 819-519-4273 Ages: 14 year(s) and up 
Men and teenagers who experienced sexual abuse or sexual assault during childhood or adolescence
Montréal Sexual Assault CentreMontréal (Ville) More information available on the French version Administration 514-731-8531 poste 47456 
Info-aide violence sexuelle, Montréal 514-933-9007 Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
Services médicaux et suivi clinique pour adultes victimes d'agression sexuelle * Info-aide violence sexuelle pour les personnes touchées par toute forme de violence sexuelle
Montréal Sexual Assault Centre, Info-aide violence sexuelleMontréal (Ville) The Sexual Violence Helpline is a listening, support and referral service for anyone affected by sexual violence * Services are confidential, free of charge, and offered in French and English For people affected by any form of sexual violence: for victims, their relatives * people who work with sexual violence victims