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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

There are 7 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description Office phone E-mail Website Eligibility My List

Map RecordAssociation des familles monoparentales et recomposées La Source

Map RecordAssociation des familles monoparentales et recomposées La SourceVictoriaville More information available in the French version 819-758-4144   Add to List

Map RecordAssociation des médiateurs familiaux du Québec

Map RecordAssociation des médiateurs familiaux du QuébecBrossard Development of family mediation, making it an alternative to legal recourse * information and reference * Interviews, videos on family mediation ... [More] 514-990-4011   Add to List

Map RecordFondation du centre jeunesse de l'Estrie

Map RecordFondation du centre jeunesse de l'Estrie4-3 Lac-des-Nations (District) More information available on the French version 819-563-1622 
Fondation poste 50336   Add to List

Listuguj. Council of the Mi’gmaq Nation, Haven House

 Listuguj. Council of the Mi’gmaq Nation, Haven HouseListuguj Native women’s shelter for women and her children dealing with family violence * Promotion of awareness on family violence, violence and abuse against women and women issues * Individual counselling a ... [More] Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
Native women and her children dealing with family violence
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Québec. Centre communautaire juridique de la Rive-Sud, Rebâtir

 Québec. Centre communautaire juridique de la Rive-Sud, RebâtirLongueuil Legal consultation free of charge for victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence Victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence Add to List

Map RecordQuébec. Revenu Québec, Programme de perception des pensions alimentaires

Map RecordQuébec. Revenu Québec, Programme de perception des pensions alimentaires3- Sainte-Foy - Sillery - Cap-Rouge (Arrondissement) More informations available in the French version   Add to List

Map RecordSociété Formons une famille

Map RecordSociété Formons une familleSainte-Julie More informations available in the French version 514-287-7290   Add to List

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