You performed a search for: Colostomy Patients

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There are 3 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description Office phone E-mail Website Eligibility My List

Map RecordAssociation québécoise des personnes stomisées

Map RecordAssociation québécoise des personnes stomiséesLaterrière (Quartier) Help and support for ostomates * pre and post surgery visit * diverse activities * monthly meetings, lunches * quarterly newspaper * mutual assistance, telephone listening * friendly visits * represen ... [More] 418-815-7723 People with a stoma by colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy Add to List

Map RecordIleostomy and Colostomy Association of Montreal

Map RecordIleostomy and Colostomy Association of MontrealRosemont - La Petite-Patrie (Arrondissement) Help and support for ostomates * support group for ostomates and their families. * pre and post surgery visit * various activities * monthly meetings, breakfasts * Quarterly journal * mutual aid, tele ... [More] 514-255-3041 People with a stoma by colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy Add to List

Regroupement des stomisés Québec - Lévis

 Regroupement des stomisés Québec - Lévis4-4- Des Jésuites (Quartier) More informations available in the French version 418-474-0220 Ages: 5 year(s) and up Add to List

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