[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Community Service Orders (14) ]
Fine Alternatives Programs
Programs that offer sentencing alternatives, including a specified number of hours of community service in a nonprofit agency, admission to a treatment program (where relevant) or other options, to ensure that people cited for ordinance violations are not incarcerated solely because of their inability to pay all or a portion of the fine normally assessed as punishment for the offence. Offenders may be required to meet income guideline to be eligible for consideration.
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Programs that identify individuals who have chosen to work on a full or part-time basis without remuneration in one of the human service fields and which systematically evaluate the skills, talents and personalities of recruited volunteers and match them with human service agencies that need voluntary support.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.