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[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Fine Alternatives Programs (1) ]

Community Service Orders

Programs that hold adult and youth offenders accountable for their crimes by having them spend a specified number of hours serving the community or crime victims through uncompensated work in lieu of a fine, restitution or jail. Community service orders (CSOs) may also be issued as a condition of probation by the court as a sanction, or it may be stipulated as a condition of diversion. Offenders can work for churches, hospitals, nursing homes, municipalities and other public and nonprofit organizations. CSOs are usually arranged and monitored through a corrections agency, but work assignments and supervision at the work site are normally the responsibility of a community organization such as a local volunteer centre or a public agency.

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Criminal and Civil Fine Collection Offices

Offices that are responsible for collecting fines that are assessed when an individual commits an act that constitutes a civil infraction and receives a citation or is found to be guilty on a summary charge or indictable offence and is ordered by the court to pay a fine, fee and/or other monetary penalties. These offices may also handle requests for fine deferments or installment plans.

[ View Programs and Services (1) | Related Topics ]

The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

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