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[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Agricultural and Food Sciences Research (4) ]

Food Production

Programs that provide assistance for people who want to grow their own food or maintain their own gardens on a private basis; or which offer information, technical assistance and support for individuals who have commercial establishments that are engaged in the production of crops, plants, vines or trees; raising livestock, poultry or other small farm animals; beekeeping; commercial fishing; aquaculture projects; or other similar food production ventures.

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Agricultural/Agribusiness Law

Programs that provide information and/or legal assistance that helps farmers, landowners and others who are involved in the agricultural industry understand their rights and responsibilities and achieve compliance with the federal and provincial laws, administrative rulings and court decisions that govern the practice of agriculture. Specific issues may include crop and livestock financing; farm financing and borrowers' rights; farm bankruptcy; agricultural land leases; eminent domain (condemnation); agricultural labour laws; livestock sales and breeding rights; mad cow disease, hoof and mouth disease and other conditions that affect livestock; livestock waste management; pesticides and herbicides; agricultural production contracts; genetically modified organisms; insurance coverage; water resources law; fence laws; and the formation and operation of agricultural cooperatives and the disputes that may arise among members. Clients may include local and federated agricultural cooperatives, hybrid seed companies, hog production operations, meat packing plants, agrichemical companies, cattle producers and related organizations.

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Farm Associations

Granges, farm bureaus and other organizations whose members are individuals who cultivate the land or raise livestock to earn their living who have affiliated for the purpose of developing purchasing or marketing cooperatives, supporting the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect farmers and their farming enterprises, ensuring that farmland, in general, is preserved for farming purposes rather than freed for development, or engaging in other activities that are designed to promote their interests and ensure their livelihood.

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

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