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[ Browse by Service Category : Disaster Services : Sub-Topics of Disaster Recovery Services (9) ]

Post Disaster Housing Assistance

Programs that provide for the short and long-term housing needs of individuals and families who have lost their place of residence in a major disaster or large-scale emergency by providing them with a mechanism for reporting damage, by arranging for temporary housing while their homes are being repaired or rebuilt, by helping them identify alternative short and/or long-term housing replacement arrangements, by supporting their ability to make structural repairs that will enable them to return to their homes, or by supporting their ability to rebuild. Some forms of post disaster housing assistance are generally also available to individuals who have experienced a localized incident such as a house fire that has made them temporarily homeless.

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Disaster Related Commodity Replacement/Rental

Programs that repair, replace, or provide money to rent vital household or personal property that has been destroyed in a localized incident such as a house fire or a more wide-spread disaster such as a major fire, flood, hurricane, earthquake or tornado.

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Post Disaster Cleanup

Programs that provide financial assistance, volunteer labour, equipment and supplies or other forms of support to help clear away rubble and clean up the community following a major disaster or large-scale emergency that has wreaked havoc on the community.

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Disaster Service Centres/Hotlines

Programs that establish one-stop centres that may be staffed by representatives from local, provincial and federal agencies, insurance companies and other disaster-related providers; or which operate hotlines that enable people to apply for financial and/or other assistance and/or to obtain the information they need to stabilize their current situation and begin to recover.

[ View Programs and Services (7) ]

The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

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