You performed a search for: Disaster Recovery Services

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

There are 9 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description Office phone E-mail Website Eligibility My List

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross

Map RecordCanadian Red CrossOttawa More informations available in the French version 613-740-1900   Add to List

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross

Map RecordCanadian Red CrossChicoutimi (Quartier) More information available on the French version 418-690-3909   Add to List

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross, Bureau administratif - Montréal

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross, Bureau administratif - MontréalVerdun (Arrondissement) Humanitarian services and emergency relief during natural disasters or armed conflicts * emergency services for disaster victims (see individual file) * international humanitarian services * aquatic a ... [More] 514-362-2930   Add to List

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross, Bureau administratif - Montréal, Services aux sinistrés

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross, Bureau administratif - Montréal, Services aux sinistrésVerdun (Arrondissement) Specialized services during emergency situations * shelter and clothes, food vouchers, clothing and other disaster or humanitarian services 514-362-2930   Add to List

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross, Bureau de Québec

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross, Bureau de Québec3-3- Saint-Louis (Quartier) More information available on the French version 418-648-9066   Add to List

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross, Services aux sinistrés

Map RecordCanadian Red Cross, Services aux sinistrésChicoutimi (Quartier) Specialized services during emergency situations * shelter and clothes, food vouchers, clothing and other disaster or humanitarian services 418-690-3909   Add to List

Map RecordCentre d'action bénévole de la MRC de Coaticook

Map RecordCentre d'action bénévole de la MRC de CoaticookCoaticook (Ville) Promotion of volunteer action in the MRC of Coaticook * Boutique Mod-Écolo recovery and sale of used clothing * collective kitchens * accompaniment-transportation to medical services * animations in t ... [More] 819-849-7011 
Community worker with the elderly, Serge Fournier 819-345-0877 Seniors * Families * Low income people Add to List

Map RecordFondation du maire de la Ville de Farnham

Map RecordFondation du maire de la Ville de FarnhamFarnham * Financial assistance to citizens: mental and physical health care, education and training, sports and leisure * Financial support for charities and community projects * Promotion of the tourist, cul ... [More] 450-293-3326 poste 309 Individuals and families in vulnerable situations and community organizations Add to List

Map RecordSaint-Damase-de-L'Islet. City Hall

Map RecordSaint-Damase-de-L'Islet. City HallSaint-Damase-de-L'Islet Responsible of urban planning, housing, road, community and cultural development, leisures, transit, waste water and more The municipality's responsibilities vary based on the values, the needs and th ... [More] 418-598-9370   Add to List

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