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[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Food Rescue Programs (9) ]

Food Collection Programs

Programs that gather, sort, store and distribute to participating charitable agencies, surplus food products and edible but unmarketable food that has been acquired from growers, grocers and other sources. Also included are the supermarket chains, food manufacturers, wholesalers, restaurant suppliers, agencies that organize food drives, government departments (e.g., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) and other organizations that donate food on a regular basis to food banks and/or directly to food pantries, meal programs, homeless shelters and other human service agencies with food programs.

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Food Gleaning Programs

Programs that obtain unharvested fruits and vegetables for use by food banks, brown bag programs and other charitable food distribution programs from farmers who have crops left over following professional harvesting (or whose fields are not profitable to reap), local gardeners, and others who have fresh crops they are unable to use. Depending on local arrangements, eligible individuals and families may be invited along with volunteers to participate in organized picking trips and obtain food for their own table at no cost.

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Food Donation Programs

Programs that accept canned food and other food resources and keep the food for use in their own programs or donate it to food banks, food pantries, meal programs and other community-based food programs for distribution to the people they serve.

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

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